Thursday, March 10, 2011


This is a great website that I learned about a year ago in my first technology class. I did not really delve into the possibilities that this tool could have in my classroom or in my own internet surfing. I chose this resource to organize my PLE because it is colorful and fun. i think that it could easily be incorporated into an elementary classroom. I started my own account a couple of weeks ago to start organizing and now I am hooked. I like how easy it is to use and work with. I have added a lot more content to this for myself besides the couple of things I have for my PLE. I am still getting used to it but I think it is working really well for my purposes. Here is a link to my Symbaloo webpage. Have fun exploring my links!


  1. Symbaloo is a great resource. I just discovered it in this class and love every aspect of it. IT is great to find information/networks you find interesting. I'm learning a lot about what the internet has to offer in this course, which is awesome!

  2. Symbaloo is amazing! I just learned about it in this course and I use it every day now!
