Thursday, January 27, 2011

Synthesis Journal

Honestly, I was slightly confused about what social media is and how it can be used in the classroom. After some research and discussion this weekend that I had with friends I am more aware of the idea of social media. I believe that social media should be part of the 21st century classroom, whether it is for charity work, gaming, or blogging. I believe that this would engage students in their learning and make it meaningful. I especially like the use of blogs. I did not really know much about blogs before my last technology class but I now see the benefits it can have the classroom. I think that we can reach many different people and it makes the children’s work authentic. It is published in a way and therefore they feel proud of their work.

I found a website that has 100 ways to incorporate social media in the classroom. Before doing this assignment I was unaware that are so many ways to incorporate the social media. I was simply stopping at blogs as I said before but it can go so much deeper into the classroom. The use of social media can help make literature real, it can create internet sources about a book they are reading or they can hear someone read to them. Students can connect with other classes outside of their city, state and even country. In my opinion this is a great way to actually learn about other cultures, instead of just reading about them in a textbook. It makes learning real and authentic.

My goals for my team is to create a charity event that students can be part of. I want my students to connect with the cause that we choose so that they are passionate about the subject. I do not want to work on too many separate things, I think that I want my team to work together instead. I want my team to meet each week besides the time that we work with the students. I work best when we are actually together, not online. So I think that one of my main goals for our team is to be great collaborative learners. I expect all group members to put the same amount of effort into this project and no one should have less to do.

I think that I contribute a positive attitude to my team. One thing that I have a responsibility for is to do the Thursday Roundup. I have already created a blog especially for this cause and I am to report each week on our progress. I am also part of the group that is going to the school each week to work with the students. Another responsibility that I have to my team is to contribute to the ideas that we are having for our project.

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