Thursday, March 25, 2010

Week 12 Exit Slip

Today we talked about some different design elements today that we can use in the classroom. I really liked this presentation because it gave me a lot of new resources that I can use in the classroom. Like I said about the chapter I did not know how to incorporate these different elements into the classroom setting. But now even more so I know a lot of different things I can do and use in the classroom. I really like the design a garden website. We could not figure it out with these computers but I really love the idea, especially in a cold climate where it might be difficult to make an actual garden.

Today we talked about a cool tool called Symbaloo, this is another search engine/bookmarking site. It was a great way to bookmark certain websites and I could see how this could be useful for a classroom because it is color coded and it is organized well. I think that I could really enjoy using it in the future.

One of the contemporary issues that we talked about today was a "paperless classroom" and how it would look like in a classroom. One of the advantages to a paperless classroom is saving of time and money not using paper to make tests and assignments. We do not have to take time out of our day to print things out or copy things. It is a great way to upload bilingual worksheets and such because they are able to convert them into their language if you have ELL's in your classroom. One of the concerns of a paperless classroom is that it is hard for the students to transition from paper to paperless and back again when they go from grade to grade. Another contemporary issue that we talked about today is about the addiction of video games. Studies have shown that the actual video game is not addictive it is something that is let off in your brain when you are playing. That is very interesting and new information for me, I have always believed that it was the actual video game that was addictive. The other contemporary issue that we are talking about was that China decision to lift censorship.

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