Thursday, January 7, 2010

Digital Autobiography Reflection

I feel that I put a good amount of effort into making this project. It was frustrating at first because when I was creating the first digital autobiography I tried to add my own music but I was unable to use any of my music files. Then I searched through the music that they website provided for me. I picked the music that I found that I feel fit my video the best. It was very difficult to find any music that would be appropriate for a video about my family. I found music that deals with love and I think that it helps make my video more fun and meaningful. Another part that I put effort in was picking the pictures that I was going to use. It was hard to come up with a time in my life to highlight for my video. I put a lot of effort in finding the photos for this project. I really enjoyed creating the different captions for the pictures. I created an Animoto autobiography first. When I was creating this project, I could not figure out how to put the captions under each of the pictures so I put the captions before the pictures that they pertain to. I think that this was difficult to decide what captions to put for each of the pictures. I also had to organize them so that the captions and the pictures match up correctly. Next, I made an autobiography using PhotoShow. That was a similar experience. I had some of the same issues using this tool. One thing that I liked more about this tool is that I can put captions under each of the pictures. I think it made it tell a better story than the Animoto tool. I got to see the benefits of using the second program because they each had different aspects. I think that I put a lot of effort into this project. So I decided to use the Photoshow tool for my digital autobiography. I went back and changed some of my original autobiography to tell a better story and better utilize the tool. I think that it was a great project and it was a lot of fun creating a story of my life.

I really think that this is a valuable tool. I think that completing this task lets us experience a different way of presenting things in class. I think that it is a very valuable tool to use in my classroom. I can use it to show my students a short presentation of my own life, and they can do the same to show their fellow classmates about themselves. It is important to create a positive classroom climate so that students feel comfortable and safe in the classroom. One way that we can create this climate in our classroom is that we can get to know each other. Another way that we can use this tool in our classroom is to use this program for other lessons. We can use it for showing visual images of concepts. For example, if we are teaching about mammals we can show a picture slide show of animals in different continents. With the different continents we can add in music that the students would associate the type of music with. We can use music from the “Lion King” to represent animals from Africa. We can also create different videos using the Voicethread for the students to add in their own voice. When the students can hear their own voice and see their own pictures on the video they can feel important. I think that this is a great social tool as well as a teaching tool.

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