Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Chapter 1 Reflection

In chapter one, I learned that meaningful learning for students has five different characteristics. The characteristics for meaningful learning are Intentional, Authentic, Cooperative, Constructive, Active and Intentional. When I first read this chapter, I did not know how technology would tie into all of these different characteristics. Before reading for example, I did not know how technologies could be used in the context of cooperative learning and collaboration. I have always that the idea in my head that technology was something that students did on their own, it was individualized and sometimes anti-social but through this chapter I learned something new that I did not think of before. Technology can be used in an individual basis but it can also serve as a great communication tool. For example, the chapter stated that it could connect students inside the classroom, around their town and even around the world. I love this idea of cooperative learning. This is one way that I might change my teaching styles because of this chapter. I want my students to see how other students view things around the world, we can use these technologies in science to see the different animals around the world, first hand using technology, or we can see other cultures and talk to other students in different languages. This type of technology opens the door for so many teaching possibilities in my classroom. The chapter also discusses how our instruction should be active and engage the learners. They can manipulate technology in their own way and teach technology in the ways that they want to use it. Another aspect of meaningful learning is being reflective learners. Students need to find meaning in what they do in order to stay engaged in their learning. This type of teaching allows students to ask questions and allows them to find meaning for themselves. They are not just given a solution to the problem but as good teachers we have to allow them to find answers for themselves. Another characteristic of meaningful learning is making learning authentic, and what is more authentic in these children’s lives than technology. We can give our students a chance to learn using the technology that they have been exposed to since they were little. We are relating their learning to their own lives. When we are using their video games such as Nintendo DS or other game systems to teach a lesson on math they are able to relate because they know how to work this type of technology and it does not seem so formal and intimidating. I think that this has changed my view of teaching because they have always taught us to make learning relevant to students lives but not in this way. I now see that technology can be used to make learning relevant and fun for our students. I think this chapter opened my eyes up to so many more possibilities for teaching and learning. I believe that technology can be used in so many different contexts that I would never have thought of without reading this chapter. I can see the benefits of using these technologies in the classroom and I look forward to the chance to try out this new teaching style in my own classroom in the future.

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